SVS®Silicone Vapor Shield Hardwood Flooring Underlayment Paper



Best Rated Underlayment For use under nail-down hardwood flooring.

1)SVS® is an underlayment in a class by itself. It has been tested under various conditions for its permeability and effectiveness for protecting hardwood floors from subfloor moisture. It has been recognized and given accolades by various hardwood industry associations including the NWFA and the Radiant Heat Association.

2)SVS® is made of 6 mil. wet-strength paper and has a baked-on silicone coating. It won’t easily tear apart during installation like red rosin, craft paper or wax papers.

3)SVS® has two sides, one matte surface, the other a smooth surface which allows installers to slide wood planks easily. This also provides the perfect surface to have clear visible chalk lines so an installer’s work can remain accurate. It also won’t leave a black residue on hands or walls and keeps the surrounding work areas clean.

4)Radiant Panel Association lab tests have confirmed that SVS® is suitable for use on radiant heated floors. They found that there was “no measurable resistance to heat transfer with the product. No odors were released from Silicone Vapor Shield® when heated from 90F to 100F.”

5) 400 sq.ft/Roll

SVS® Installation Guidelines

For additional inquiries regarding installation please contact us below

The descriptions provided in this guide are brief and do not cover all circumstances that an installer may encounter during installation. It is the installer’s
responsibility to read and follow the hardwood floor manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation of their flooring product.

Job Site Conditions

In order to obtain the best possible installation the installer must ensure the environmental conditions on the premises are ideally suited for the installation of the hardwood flooring.

  • The building must be completely enclosed.
  • The interior environment conditions must be at occupied levels.
  • Basements and crawl spaces must be dry.
  • Drainage must direct any water away from the foundation.
  • All other interior work should be completed.
  • At the time of installation the subfloor humidity level must
    not exceed 12%.

The boards must be stored on the premises for a minimum of 72 hours (or as required by the manufacturer) prior to installation in order to allow the wood to acclimatize to ambient conditions.


  • Remove any debris or protrusions (i.e. glue, staples, etc.)
    from the sub-flooring.
  • Ensure the boards are solidly fastened to joists.
  • Sweep and vacuum prior to filling or repairing any voids.
  • Check for a repair any squeaks or voids.
  • Even out the sub-flooring by sanding any uneven areas so
    that the sub-floor shows no differences in level.

Subfloor Preparation

Once the old floor covering has been removed, the sub-floor must be carefully inspected in preparation for the flooring installation, as the hardwood floor will not correct major or apparent defects in a sub-floor, so it is vital that the sub-floor be inspected prior to installation.


  • Roll and cut the SVS® to the length of the starting wall
    and position the underlayment over the sub-floor as
    needed to attain proper coverage.
  • Secure the entire length of the underlayment paper
    edge with staples.
  • The starting row of paper should be stapled every two
    feet in order to keep the paper flat; the succeeding rows
    do not need to be stapled down.
  • In the succeeding rows the paper should be placed under
    the previous row of paper by 4″ and is not to be taped or
    nailed down. This will provide a smooth surface which
    will make the planks slide easily over the underlayment.

Please Note: If there are any conditions or instructions not mentioned here, please refer to either the Hardwood Manufacturers Instructions or the Instructions Manual for Installations written by the NWFA.

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions please contact us below. 

Is SVS® paper supposed to be laid with the Silicone-side facing up or facing down?
For the best results we recommend that you lay the paper with the Silicone-side facing up.
Does All Globe recommend taping the joints
of the paper?
No, please follow the NWFA installation guidelines.
Is SVS® able to go over radiant heated flooring?
Yes! SVS® has been tested and is suitable for floor covering over radiant floor heating systems.
What is the SVS® Perm Rating ?
The Perm Rating is .46 without nail holes and .712 with nail holes.
Who are All Globe‘s affiliates?
We are a proud member of the NWFA, and our underlayment is recognized by the Radiant Panel Association.
Where is the nearest distributor?
Please call our office line 905-558-2000 between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm EST.
How many location is SVS® available?
SVS® is available in over 2100 locations across the US and Canada.